Fall 2024: Infinite Category Theory
OH: Wed. 2:20pm-3:20pm. Location: my office
We do not present results and even definitions in the logical order.
Some "exercises" in these notes are challenging and cannot be solved by methods introduced in the lectures, especially for those in the appendices.
Lecture 1: Introduction Notes (Last update: 09/29/2024)
Lecture 2: Model categories Notes (Last update: 09/29/2024)
Lecture 3: Simplicial sets Notes (Last update: 09/29/2024)
Lecture 4: Quasi-categories Notes (Last update: 09/29/2024)
Lecture 5: Quasi-category of quasi-categories Notes (Last update: 09/29/2024)
Lecture 6: Q&A session No notes
HTT = Higher Topos Theory
HA = Higher Algebra
Ker = Kerodon